Lefteris Kaliambos Wiki

By prof. LEFTERIS KALIAMBOS (Natural Philosopher in New Energy). He was born in Skotina of Olympus in 1944. (leureteskaliampos@gmail.com)

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November 2, 2023

Today it is well- known that the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics confirmed Newton's third law of instantaneous interaction and definitively rejected Maxwell's and Einstein's fields (including massless photons), just as I presented them as invalid at a world physics conference in 1993 and at a nuclear conference at the NCSR "Demokritos" in 2002, which led to my DISCOVERY OF UNIFIED FORCES INVALIDATING EINSTEIN'S FIELDS. (5 October 2022 SCIENCE alert "Scientists Win Physics Nobel Prize For Proving Einstein Wrong"). Also today all experiments reject relativity. (EXPERIMENTS REJECT RELATIVITY). Nevertheless today on the internet we see that GOOGLE itself officially promotes the following invalid ideas of relativity:

"Photons are traditionally said to be massless. This is a figure of speech that physicists use to describe something about how a photon's particle-like properties are described by the language of special relativity".

Historically, under the invalid fields, which violate Newtons third law, Einstein in 1905 in his invalid relativity believed incorrectly that the quanta of energy E = hν (Planck, 1900) do not have mass. However Planck in 1907 using the famous equation of Einstein E = mc2 wrote that his quanta of energy do have mass m = hν/c2 , because Newton in 1704 predicted the gravitational properties of light confirmed by Soldner in 1801. Under this condition Einstein later (1938) in his book "THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS" as it is fully registered on the internet under the title "Full Text of THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS"(page 234) wrote: "A beam of light carries energy and energy has mass. But every inertial mass is attracted by the gravitational field, as inertial and gravitational masses are equivalent. A beam of light will bend in a gravitational field exactly as a body would if thrown horizontally with a velocity equal to that of light." In other words Einstein in 1938 was right, because he accepted Newton's particles of light having not only energy but also mass . It is of interest to note that Einstein in his fourth paper of 1905 discovered the so-called " MASS-ENERGY EQUIVALENCE " by writing: Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy Content? That is, the fourth paper, on the mass-energy equivalence gave us what is arguably the most famous equation in history: E = mc2. In other words, under his invalid hypothesis of massless photons he believed incorrectly that the mass defect in atoms and in nuclei turns to the energy of the hypothetical massless photons. Today we see in the internet the famous Einstein video, where Einstein himself refers to the famous phrase "VERY SMALL AMOUNTS OF MASS MAY BE CONVERTED INTO A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF ENERGY AND VICE VERSA". However such an invalid hypothesis was definitively changed by Einstein in his well-known book "THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS" (1938) . Today it is well- known that the hydrogen ionization experiments in Bohr's model (Nobel Prize in Physics 1922) showed that the energy of the photon (13.6 eV) is not due to the mass defect , as Einstein assumed in 1905, but to electrical energy ( ΔE = 13.6 eV) of Coulomb's law (1785), discovered under Newton's third law of instantaneous interaction. For this reason Einstein in his book "THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS" (page 282) wrote: "From the energy principle it must follow that the energy level of an atom is higher before emission and lower afterwards, and that the difference between the two levels must be equal to the energy of the emitted photon". Furthermore, the Nobel Prize in Physics that Einstein won in 1921 was not won for the invalid hypothesis of the conversion of mass into energy, but for introducing the law of conservation of energy to explain the photoelectric effect in Planck's Quantum Physics (1900) that the energy of the photon E = hν is converted into energy ΔE of the electron (hν = ΔE). Also in the same book "THE EVOLUTION OF PHYSICS" (page 208) Einstein did not forget the second law of conservation of mass, writing that the mass defect in the Sun is converted into photon mass and not into photon energy. Especially Einstein wrote: "Radiation traveling through space and emitted from the sun contains energy and mass and therefore has mass? the sun and all radiating stars lose mass by emitting radiation." Under this condition I was based on this whole story to present in the international conference (1993) my discovery of DIPOLIC PHOTONS and my DISCOVERY OF UNIFIED FORCES which invalidate Maxwell's fields (1865) and Einstein's relativity (1905) because really Einstein in 1938 was right for his famous equation as it expresses the ratio of energy to mass (ΔE/ΔM = c2 ). This equation is very important, because it led me to discover not only the photon mass but also the LAW OF ENERGY AND MASS. Moreover for the correct Newton's corpuscles Einstein on page 104 wrote: "The substance theory of light seems to work splendidly in all these cases, although the necessity for introducing as many substances as colours may make us somewhat uneasy." Nevertheless today writing in Google "PHOTON MASS " we read the following incorrect ideas: "Photons are traditionally said to be massless. This is a figure of speech that physicists use to describe something about how a photon's particle-like properties are described by the language of special relativity."


 Historically, Descartes in his Optics (1637) proposed that light is associated with a medium called “ether”. Although it had a considerable influence on the ideas of physicists Newton in his Opticks (1704) concluded that the Cartesian theory of light could not account for polarization. This would be easy enough to understand if light is a stream of rectangular particles moving in vacuum  but rather more difficult if light is a wave disturbance in a medium. In spite of Newton’s criticism, other scientists such as Hooke and Huygens continued to think of light in terms of impulses in a medium. This was not yet the  “wave theory” in the modern sense, because the periodic nature of the pulses had not yet been recognized; ironically it was Newton who suggested that light might have to  be somehow assigned also periodic properties in order to account for the phenomena of colors. Unfortunately Young (1803) who confirmed the wave nature of light abandoned Newton’s corpuscular theory in favor of the Huygens  theory which led to Maxwell’s wrong fields moving through an ether (1865). It is of interest to note that the ether was rejected not only by the experiment of Michelson and Morley (1887) in favor of Newton’s rectangular particles, but also by the experiments of the Doppler effect.  Newton also predicted that  his particles of light have gravitational properties confirmed by Soldner in 1801. Nevertheless later (1905 and 1916) Einstein under his fallacious massless quanta fields of Maxwell developed his invalid theories of relativity. (See my CONTRADICTING RELATIVITY THEORIES ). 


In 1845 Faraday discovered the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarized light (Faraday effect). In other words Newton’s rectangular particles have not only mass with gravitational properties but also positive and negative charges like the opposite charges of an electric dipole providing the  electromagnetic properties of light. This situation supports Newton’s rectangular particles of light having mass because charges without mass cannot exist. Under this condition Faraday believed that gravitation and electromagnetism were somehow related, but he failed to find any connection because in 1832 in order to explain his induction law introduced the fallacious concept of field. Faraday imagined that the space surrounding the magnet and the coil was in a state of tension like stretched rubber bands and he called these bands “lines of force”. Although Neumann in 1845 discovered that the induction law is consistent with the magnetic force of the Ampere law, Maxwell in 1865 developed his electromagnetic theory with wrong fields moving through a fallacious ether.

  On the other hand in 1902 Kaufmann showed experimentally that the absorption of energy by an electron contributes not only to the increase of the electron energy but also to the increase of the electron mass ΔΜ. Although in 1903 the two American physicists Nichols and Hull showed experimentally that light consists of particles having not only energy E but also momentum p given by the relation p = E/c, Einstein under his massless quanta of fields based on Maxwell’s waves  believed that the increase of the electron mass is due not to the absorption of the particles of light but to the relative motion of the electron with respect to a randomly moving observer.  Such  fallacious ideas of moving fields which led to the invalid relativity could not be explained by the work of Planck (1900) who discovered the quanta of energy E = hν.


 Under the work of Planck the American physicist Compton (1923)   discovered that the frequency ν of X rays decreases by collision with electrons. So he showed that light  consists of particles possessing both corpuscular  and wave properties. It was therefore a confirmation of Newton’s corpuscles having wave properties. In the same way the two American physicists Davisson and Germer showed experimentally that also electrons produce waves. That is, one observes that matter as well as light possesses  both wave and corpuscular properties.

After the Compton effect Lewis in 1926 replaced Einstein’s massless quanta of fields by his photons which violate Newton's third law of instananeous interactions. So they cannot exist. That is, such a fallacious concept cannot carry  the electromagnetic forces.  Nevertheless today  many physicists under the influence of Einstein’s massless quanta of fields  believe that Maxwell’s fields are able to carry the forces.  It is of interest to note that in 1963 the basic postulation (displacement current) for the development of Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory was rejected by the experiment of the two American physicists French and Tessman, who showed  that the application of Maxwell’s equation of displacement current involves misconceptions. Particularly during the motion in the ionized air in a capacitor the changing electric field of the discharged plates cannot produce any magnetic resultant. So it confirmed the well-established laws of Coulomb and Ampere according to which forces act at a distance in accordance with the experiments of the Quantum Entanglement.

Taking into account all these experiments showing that Newton’s rectangular particles of light have not only gravitational properties but also electromagnetic ones, I analyzed carefully the Faraday effect by adding equal positive and negative charges to  Newton’s rectangular particles which behave like a moving dipole. In the Cartesian system xy a dipole with two opposite charges +q and –q  could move with a velocity u < c  along the x direction when the dipole axis r  is parallel to y.   In this simple case the applications of the Coulomb and Ampere laws give electric attraction Fe stronger that the magnetic repulsion Fm as

Fe  = Kq2/r2  and  Fm = kq2u2/r2

Since Weber in 1856 showed experimentally that K/k = c2 one gets 

Fe /Fm = u2/c2 that is Fe > Fm

However such a dipole at the speed (u =c ) operates with equal electric attractions and magnetic repulsions. This situation of course leads to the conclusion that the photon of Lewis  interprets the Faraday effect.  According to the laws of electromagnetism a magnetic force in the direction of y can exert a torque to any electric dipole moving along the x direction. Also such dipoles moving at c interact with an electron of charge (-e) in terms of varying  Ey and Bz because of the spin of the dipole (dipolic photon). Such a situation which cannot be related with the invalid fields of Maxwell (INTENSITY AND FALSE FIELD) also led to my discovery of Photon-Matter Interaction as

Ey(-e) dy = dw  and Bz(-e) dy = Fmdt = dp = dmc.

 Since the experiment of Weber leads to  Ey/Bz = c one gets  dw/dm = c2


Olympia 1993 Einstein's quanta led to wrong relativity

That is the absorption of a photon by an electron is given by   hν/m = ΔΕ/ΔΜ =  c2

Here we see that the mass of a photon in the Quantum Physics of absorptions is not a constant mass, because it depends on the frequency. However in the bending of light predicted by Newton the mass of the photon is constant, because it moves along a perpendicular direction to the vector of gravitational force. That is, it behaves like all particles of constant mass in the experiments of Galileo.

Under these discoveries of photons having mass with opposite charges I presented at the international conference “Frontiers of fundamental physics" (Olympia 1993) my paper “Impact of Maxwell’s equation of displacement current on electromagnetic laws and comparison of the Maxwellian waves with our model of dipolic particles”.

In that paper I showed that the invalid hypothesis of self-propagating fields in Maxwell’s theory is modified by my dipolic particles or dipolic photons  having mass with opposite charges.  Also such a rotating dipole (spinning photon) can produce varying correct Ey and Bz  of the Coulomb Law (1785) and the Ampere law (1820) which are different from the invalid self-propagating fields of Maxwell. In a transparent medium ( radiation in matter ) the electric attraction between the charges of the dipolic photon cause in matter some distortion of the atomic electronic cloud. Hence  under a dielectric permittivity  the electric force is reduced and the dipolic photon moves at a velocity smaller than c. Furthermore I showed that in the induction law the motion of a magnet with respect to a coil gives always a magnetic force, while the fallacious electric field of Maxwell violates the principle of relativity. In other words Einstein’s assumption of his special relativity that a moving magnet with respect to a coil produces electric field violates the principle of relativity. To conclude I emphasize that laws and experiments invalidate fields and relativity and a clear answer to the photon-wave dilemma is given by the dipolic photon.  Note that  a low frequency photon exposed to a magnetic field was split into a separate positive charge and a separate negative charge. These charges were exposed to an electric field which changes its position. This position was measured using a charge meter described by Hans W Giertz (2010). In other words the positive and negative charges of a dipolar photon have mass because charges without mass cannot exist. Nevertheless today many physicists under the influence of Einstein’s massless quanta of fields believe that photon has no mass because it moves at the speed of light while all particles having mass cannot move at the speed of light. Here I clear that the absorption of photon mass m by a  particle of mass Mo  increases  to a variable mass M and this situation is responsible for giving velocity u<c to particles. According to the experiment of Kaufmann we write

M2/Mo2 = c2/(c2-u2)       

Then, differentiation of this led to my discovery of the Photon – Matter Interaction given by

hν/m =ΔΕ/ΔΜ = c2


The Schrodinger equation in three dimensions is the quantum analog of the well-established second law of Newton. It correctly describes the behavior of particles by using the application of the well-established laws of nature. In 1928 Dirac devised incorrectly an equation for a quantum system by using Einstein’s INVALID REST ENERGY.  Dirac also believed that the relation E = pc is correct not  for the corpuscles of Newton having mass but for  the massless quanta of Einstein. Thus for an electron with a mass Mo the fallacious relativistic energy E should be given by

E2 = p2c2 + Mo2c4

Note that here the math is correct but the result is wrong due to the false concept that energy is due to the mass which violates the fundamental potential energy due to the forces of interaction acting at a distance. Also Einstein used the invalid relativistic energy due to a wrong relativistic mass M. In fact, according to our discovery of the PHOTON-MATTER INTERACTION in the Kaufmann experiment the mass M is not a fallacious relativistic mass but a variable mass due to the absorption of the photon mass. Also the energy is due not to the fallacious relativistic mass but to the absorption of photon energy. Under this confusion we write here the correct math by using Einstein’s wrong relativistic energy E = Mc2 . Therefore the math is correct but it is based on wrong hypothesis which gives fallacious results in the following process:

E2 = M2c4 . Since M2 = Mo2c4 [c2/(c2-u2)] one gets

E2 = Mo2c2 [c4/(c2 – u2 )] But c4 can be written as c4 = c4 – u2c2 + u2 c2 That is

E2 = Mo2c2[ (c4-u2c2 + u2c2)/(c2-u2) = Mo2c2[c2(c2 -u2)/(c2-u2) + u2c2/(c2-u2)] or

E2 = Mo2c2[ c2 + u2c2/(c2 –u2) ] = Mo2c4 + Mo2c2u2c2/(c2-u2)

Since Mo2c2/(c2-u2) = M2 we get E2 = Mo2c4 + M2u2c2

And because Mu = p we write E2 = Mo2c4 + p2c2

 which is the biggest error in the history of physics. It is indeed unfortunate that in “photon-WIKIPEDIA” one reads the following fallacious paragraph:

“In empty space, the photon moves at c (the speed of light) and its energy and momentum are related by E = pc, where p is the magnitude of the momentum vector p. This derives from the following relativistic relation, with m = 0:"

This wrong idea led to the physics crisis , because it violates the fundamental potential energy due to the forces of interaction at a distance.

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NCSR Demokritos 2002 the discovery of nuclear structure leads to the photon mass

For example in the Bohr model the energy hν of the generated photon is due not to the mass defect but to the energy Δw of the charge-charge interaction of 13.6 eV which turns into the energy hν of the generation of photon, while the mass defect ΔΜ of the electron during the binding energy turns into the mass m = hν/c2 of the photon. In the same way using the electromagnetic laws for the nuclear structure and force I presented my paper “Nuclear structure is governed by the fundamental laws of electromagnetism” at the 12th symposium of the Hellenic nuclear physics society (NCSR “Demokritos”, 2002) In that symposium I presented not only my DISCOVERY OF NUCLEAR FORCE AND STRUCTURE but also my discovery of the photon mass m = hν/c2 since during the formation of deuteron the electromagnetic interaction between the extra 9 charged quarks in proton and 12 ones in neutron existing among 288 quarks in nucleons give strong electromagnetic energy ΔΕ= 2.2246 MeV which turns into the energy hν of the generated photon. Whereas the mass defect ΔΜ = 2.2246 MeV/c2  of proton and neutron turns into the real mass m = hν/c2 = 2.2246 MeV/c2 of photon in accordance with my discovery of the Matter-Photon Transformation

ΔΕ/ΔΜ = hν/m = c2
